PermanenceOsteo-Clarens - Clarens

Your osteopath available near Clarens

Espace Santé - Les Ateliers

Rue des Deux-Gares 6B, 1800 Vevey


130chf / 50 minutes. Covered by supplementary insurance.

Accepted payment methods: Twint, Cash


Next solution (7 days a week):


Osteopathic On-Call Service - Riviera Chablais

365 days a year, a practice is on call. We also answer your calls on weekends and holidays. The offices are located in Vevey, Montreux, La Tour-de-Peilz, Châtel-St-Denis.

Clarens, Switzerland is a place where osteopathy is becoming increasingly popular as a natural treatment for pain and disorders. Osteopaths in Clarens use gentle techniques to help restore mobility and function to body structures, which can relieve pain, improve circulation and the nervous system, and strengthen the immune system. There are many qualified osteopathic practices in Clarens that offer professional services to treat a variety of conditions, such as muscle and joint pain, headaches, digestive disorders and respiratory problems. Osteopaths in Clarens are trained to diagnose underlying health problems and use gentle techniques to help the body heal itself.
Osteopathy in Clarens is a safe and natural treatment option for people seeking an alternative to drugs and invasive surgery.

If you are looking for pain relief and improvement in your overall health, consult a qualified osteopath in Clarens today.